Service Category: General Dentistry

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dental exam | dental cleaning

Dental Exams and Cleanings

During a dental exam, the dentist or hygienist will: Evaluate your overall health and oral hygiene. Evaluate your risk of tooth decay, root decay, and gum or bone disease. Evaluate your need for tooth restoration or replacement. Check your bite and jaw for problems. Remove stains or deposits on your teeth.

Periodontal Disease

Gum Disease Treatment

Periodontal disease is common but fairly preventable. The cause is usually poor oral hygiene. Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss. It’s a risk factor for heart and lung diseases. Symptoms include swollen, red, and tender gums. Treatment includes professionally cleaning the pockets around teeth to prevent damage to surrounding bone. Advanced cases may require surgery.

Snoring Treatment Mar Vista

Snoring Treatment | Sleep Apnea

Snoring is the hoarse or harsh sound that occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as you breathe. Nearly everyone snores now and then, but for some people it can be a chronic problem. Sometimes it may also indicate a serious health condition. In addition, snoring can...

Emergency Dentist | Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

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